Photo Gallery
День знань 01.09.2021 072021
Випуск 2021 022020
Master’s graduation ceremony 2020 012020
Meeting before the internship 122019
St. Nicholas Day at the Law Lyceum 2019 122019
Election of the Speaker to the Parliament of cadet (student) self-government 122019
Rewarding of FC "Dynamo-Academy" 112019
Interdepartmental scientific-practical round table 102019
The Oath 2019 092019
Knowledge Day 2019 072019
Graduation ceremony 2019 032019
Amateur art concert 032019
Master’s graduation ceremony 2019 022019
The Department of Military Training 012019
Career guidance at school 102018
Oath 2018 092018
Two-day international seminar 2018 092018
Knowledge Day 2018 082018
Oath of graduates of the Department of Military Training 072018
National Police Day 062018
Graduation of NAIA students 052018
Mother's Day 052018
Charity ball 042018
Graduation of Rapid Operational Response Unit personnel 042018
32nd anniversary of the Chernobyl tragedy 032018
Paramedics 032018
Poems by Taras Shevchenko 022018
Master’s graduation ceremony 16.02.2018 032018
Master’s graduation ceremony 02.03.2018 032018
Graduation ceremony 02.03.18 022018
Graduation in Institute of Postgraduation Education 062017
International workshop 072017
Graduation in “Police Academy” 062017
The Sport Day 062017
Graduation ceremony 052017
Tactical training 052017
The last bell in the Juridical Lyceum 052017
Miss Academy 2017 032017
Anniversary of the Department 032017
Signing of the Memorandum 022017
International training workshop 022017
Bachelor's graduation ceremony 102016
Adjunct's graduation ceremony 092016
Conference of labor collective 072016
The 95th anniversary of NAIA 082016
The Independence Day 062016
The Graduation ceremony 2016 052016
The Day of Science 052016
Miss Academy 2016 052016
Memorial and Reconciliation Day 052016
Protection of public order 042016
Heroes-liquidators honoring 042016
Quest in the T. Shevchenko park 032016
International meeting 032016
The 8th of March Holiday 032016
Scientific conference 012016
The Oath 102015
Competition of marching song 102015
Tactic training 092015
Corporal Oath of Policeman 092015
The Knowledge Day 092015
The 1st of September 082015
Independence Day 082015
Flag Day 062015
Government session at the NAIA 052015
The 9th of May 052015
Miss Academy 2015 052015
Visit of German delegation 052015
Visit of Victoriia Nuland to the NAIA
Contact us
Postal address:

1 Solomjanska Square03035, Kyiv

(to official documents)
[email protected]
For more information:

Police control room
+ 38 (044) 246 94 91
The Admissions Committee:

The central building
+ 38 (044) 520 06 66