Аcademic Сouncils
- History of academic councils
By 1982 teachers and adjuncts of educational establishment defended thesis in different establishments (in Academy MIA USSR, Kyiv state university named by T.G. Shevchenko, State and law institute of Academy of sciences USSR, Kharkiv juridical institute etc. ).
In June 1982 leaders of KHS addressed with motivated petition to Higher Attestation Commission attached to Ministers of Council of USSR on creating academic council for defending thesis in Kyiv higher school MIA. By the decree of HAC USSR of the 8th of December 1982 such council was created on a term of 5 years. The council got a right to accomplish defending thesis of such specialties: 12.00.02 – state law and management, soviet building, administrative law, finance law; 12.00.08 – criminal law, criminology, reformatory and labor law; 12.00.09 – criminal process, prosecutor’s supervision, criminalistics.
HAC recommended academic council to ensure acceptance and defending thesis of adjuncts and candidates for Phd of KHS, teachers staff of Minsk higher school of MIA, secondary schools located at the territory of Ukrainian, Moldavian, Belarusian, Latvian and Estonian republics, scientific workers and departments of scientific and research establishments, workers of agencies of internal affairs of mentioned above countries of former USSR.
There were 19 members of academic council, 12 Phd and 7 candidates of science. Professors and teacher staff of a school in a council was presented by such scientists as professors V.M. Vasylchenko, O.F, Garanin, E.V. Dodin, A.P. Klyushnichenko, Y.I. Rumarenko, associate professors V.M. Bruzgalov, O.I. Ierasulimov, I.P. Kozachenko, S.L. Lusenkov, O.I. Petrov, G.E. Phirsov. The council also enumerated such leading scientists of Institute of state and Law AS USSR – Doctors of Law sciences I.P. Lanovenko, O.Y. Svetlov and Y.S. Shemshuchenko, Doctors of Law sciences of law department of Kyiv state university named by T.G. Shevchenko – V.G. Goncharenko, V.K. Lusuchenko, D.S. Suslo.
The first chief of academic council attached to Kyiv higher school of MIA USSR was the head of school candidate of law sciences, associate professor V.F. Zakharov, scientific secretary was doctor of law sciences, professor of criminology department, prophylaxis V.M. Vasylchenko. From 1983 to 1994 the academic council was headed by Phd, professor Y.I. Rumarenko. Organizational work was provided by higher scientific worker O.Y. Starodub. After that the heads of academic council were professors – A.P.Zakalyuk and V.G.Lukholob.
Most of thesis authors, that were defended in this council became teachers and lecturers of the Academy.
The first defending of the thesis for getting a scientific degree of candidate of law sciences in academic council in KHS was on the 6th of April 1983. A thesis “investigation of embezzlement in a system of logistical supplies” was successfully defended by a teacher of Karaganda higher school of MIA. A.O. Erokhin. 228 thesis were defended in this council from 1983 - 2000 .
Nowadays the Academy is a single establishment in a system of MIA where seven academic councils exist for defending candidate and doctors thesis. Such as academic councils - Д 26.007.01., СРД 26.007.02., Д 26.007.03., Д 26.007.04., Д 26.007.05., К 26.007.06, К. 26.731.02 on specialties:
12.00.01 –
Theory and history of state and law; history of political and law studies.
12.00.02 –
Constitutional law and municipal law.
12.00.03 –
Civil law and civil process; family law; international private law.
12.00.07 –
Administrative law and process; finance law; information law.
12.00.08 –
Criminal law and criminology; criminal and executive law.
12.00.09 –
Criminal process and criminalistics, forensic expertise, detective and investigative activity.
12.00.12 –
Philosophy of law (law, philosophical sciences).
19.00.06 –
Legal Psychology (jurisprudence)
21.04.01 –
Economic security of the state
- Аcademic Сouncils
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