Preparation of Educational and Scientific Publications Unit
Postal address: 1 Solomianska square, 03035, Kyiv, Ukraine
E-mail: [email protected]
Head of the Unit – Antipova Olha.
Preparation of Educational and Scientific Publications Unit (hereinafter PESPU) is a structural division of the National Academy of Internal Affairs (hereinafter Academy).
In its activities, PESPU is guided by the Constitution of Ukraine, legislation of Ukraine (regulating editorial, publishing and printing work), anti-corruption activities, acts of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, state and industry, Statute and Regulations on Academic integrity in the Academy, Anti-corruption program and other organizational documents of the Academy.
PESPU carries out editorial and publishing activities, provides proper prepress preparation and printing of publications.
In accordance with the tasks, the Unit provides the needs of the educational process and scientific activity of the Academy by: prepress preparation of educational publications (textbooks, educational, educational-methodical and educational-practical manuals, lecture courses), scientific publications (monographs, scientific and scientific-practical manuals, thematic collections of scientific works, materials of conferences, seminars, round tables, meetings, other scientific events), reference publications and information materials (dictionaries, abstracts, reviews, bibliographic indexes, etc.); manufacture of blank products; introduction of scientific researches of scientists of the Academy into the educational process and practice of law enforcement agencies by publishing the results of research works; editorial processing of manuscripts, layout, proofreading, design of electronic models for replication; advising authors on the preparation and improvement of the content of the manuscript, in particular on determining the style of presentation, improving the composition, compiling an annotation, making changes and reductions in accordance with state standards.
PESPU cooperates with Organization of Scientific Work and Intellectual Property Rights Protection Unit, Organization and Coordination of Educational Process Unit, other structural divisions of the Academy, institutions of higher education and scientific institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, state bodies and public organizations on the issues of effective implementation of the assigned tasks.
Periodicals of NAIA
The Preparation of Educational and Scientific Publications Unit provides issues of five periodical professional editions:
- "Scientific Bulletin of the National Academy of Internal Affairs";
- "Legal Journal of the National Academy of Internal Affairs";
- "Philosophical and methodological problems of law";
- "Legal Psychology";
- "Scientific Bulletin of the National Academy of Internal Affairs" (part 2).
Contact us
Postal address:

1 Solomjanska Square03035, Kyiv

(to official documents)
[email protected]
For more information:

Police control room
+ 38 (044) 246 94 91
The Admissions Committee:

The central building
+ 38 (044) 520 06 66