Yaroslav Kondratiev Law Lyceum
Postal address: Povitroflotskyi ave., 53, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03151
Phone/fax: (044) 249-09-53
E-mail: [email protected]
Web-site: https://licey.naiau.kiev.ua/
Lyceum leadership:
Andrii Dobroskok – Director of the Lyceum, PhD in Law, police captain;
Ruslana Chyzhyk – Deputy Director for Educational and Methodological Work.
Yaroslav Kondratiev Law Lyceum of NAIA is a state institution of general secondary education of III degree with specialized education and pre-vocational training, which provides lyceum students with complete general secondary education, their upbringing, in-depth legal and intensive physical training, formation of skills and abilities necessary for study in higher education institutions with specific learning conditions that belong to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and in higher education institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The term of study at the lyceum is 2 years.
The educational process in the lyceum is organized in the form of lessons, lectures, laboratory-practical and seminar classes, study tours, etc. and is combined with scientific, methodical and research work of teachers. In addition to traditional forms and methods, innovative learning technologies are also used.
Military education of lyceum students is carried out in the process of acquainting them with the traditions of the Ukrainian people, the history of Ukraine, as well as during the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills within the subject "Defense of the Fatherland".
Educational work in the lyceum is aimed at creating favorable conditions for the comprehensive development of lyceum students, their adaptation in the team, the formation of a democratic worldview and values, learning moral and ethical norms of behavior, forming a conscious choice for healthy lifestyle, understanding self-determination in choosing a profession.
- Photo Gallery
Knowledge Day at the Law Lyceum The Oath of the Lyceum Student made by the youngest pupils Graduation of Lyceum students St. Nicholas Day at the Law Lyceum Day of the Spring in law lyceum Day of Physical Culture and Sport in law lyceum Winners of the second stage of the All-Ukrainian Olympiads Classes of lyceum students on pre-medical training
Contact us
Postal address:

1 Solomjanska Square03035, Kyiv

(to official documents)
[email protected]
For more information:

Police control room
+ 38 (044) 246 94 91
The Admissions Committee:

The central building
+ 38 (044) 520 06 66