The Department of Operational and Investigative Activities
Contact details: 1, Solomianska sq., 03035, Kyiv, Ukraine
E-mail: [email protected], тел. 206-79-16.
Tasks of the Department of Operational and Investigative Activities:
- development of proposals for the improvement and development of professiograms, qualification and educational characteristics, complex qualification tasks for specialization, organizational and methodological documents;
- preparation of a justification for the modernization of the variable parts of the educational and professional program;
- organization and protection of practices, internship for cadets, students, students in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Regulations and Practice Programs of the National Academy of Internal Affairs;
- involvement of leading scientists, specialists of law enforcement agencies in conduction of classes and lessons, control of knowledge of cadets, students, participation in the work of the State Examination Commission;
- ensuring the preparation and conduction of state exams.
The following disciplines are taught at the Department:
- Operational and investigative activities;
- Features of covert investigative (search) actions;
- Covert operational work;
- Confidential cooperation
- Counteraction to criminal offenses of the general criminal direction;
- Operational and technical documentation;
- Operational search and operational-technical documentation
- Organization of activity of operational service divisions and their interaction with other divisions of National Police;
- Special course on the profile №1;
- Special course on the profile №2;
- Special course on the profile №3;
- Interaction of operational service units with other units of National Police;
- Special equipment of the National Police;
- Theory and practice of operational and investigative activities;
- Modern problems of operational and investigative activities.

The International Scientific and Practical Round Table "Topical issues of detection and detection of crimes by the National Police: domestic and foreign experience"

The International Scientific and Practical Round Table took place on February 19 at the National Academy of Internal Affairs. The scientific event was attended by the Rector of NAIA, Doctor of Law, Professor Volodymyr Cherniei, First Vice-Rector Stanislav Husariev, Vice-Rector Serhii Cherniavskyi, Head of the Department of Operative Search Activity Serhii Tikhonov, Israeli Police Representative Ihor Shmoish, Adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs Serhii Kniaziev, Rector of Odessa State University of Internal Affairs Vyacheslav Abroskin, Heads of Departments of Operational and Investigative Activities of Dnipropetrovsk, Odessa, Lviv, Kharkiv universities.

Israeli Police Representative Ihor Shmoish made a report on the peculiarities of training and education of police operatives, emphasizing the regulatory framework, which they are guided by, and told about the structure of the criminal intelligence service of the Israeli police.

A combination of modern practical knowledge and experience. This time, Colonel Roman Krylevych, Chief of the 5th Department (Investigative Work) of the Criminal Investigation Department, was invited to the Academy with a presentation of the revolutionary changes in the organization of investigative work.

Deepening the practical component of the educational process

During the regular meeting of the Department of Operational and Investigative Activities of the NAIA there was a presentation of updated lecture materials, its visualization and video support, as well as consideration of the involvement of practitioners in the preparation of educational materials, lectures and practical classes. At the invitation of the Head of the Department, the chief cynologist of the National Police of Ukraine Svitlana Kolomiiets visited the event. Communication was meaningful and useful in terms of further strengthening the practical component in the educational process, which is extremely important for departmental education. Svitlana Kolomiiets promised to actively assist not only in the preparation of the materials of the next lecture on the use of service dogs in operational and investigative activities, but also to ensure the participation of her subordinates in the educational process.

On August 13, the Head of the Department of Operational and Investigative Activities, Police General of the Third Rank Serhii Tikhonov together with the representatives of the Academy leadership and the Department of Information Technologies presented to the 4th year cadets of Educational and Scientific Institute № 1 a new discipline. Future operatives will be trained to use the capabilities of modern information technology in crime combating.

By joint efforts, the Department of Information Technologies and Cyber Security and the Department of Operational and Investigative Activities the existing disciplines (Fundamentals of Operational and Technical Documentation" and "Organization of Information and Analytical Work of Criminal Police Units") has been supplemented with a new course - "Information and Analytical Support of criminal units".

On the basis of the Department of Operational and Investigative Activities the departmental scientific circle "OРД" has been functioning for many years. During the 2019/2020 academic year members of the scientific circle took part in more than 20 interdepartmental round tables, conferences and other events.