History of the National Academy of Internal Affairs

For almost ninety years of its history, the National Academy of internal Affairs has become the flagship of departmental education. As time went on, changing the names of the educational institution, its authority has remained unchangeable.

The history of the establishment of the Academy takes its origin from the 11th of June 1921, when “Chervony Militiamen Courses” began to function at Kharkiv militia. And this date is considered to be the birthday of the National Academy of internal Affairs.

After a year, “School for Senior Officers of Workers' and Peasants' Militia of the USSR” was established on the basis of “Chervony Militiamen Courses”.

At the session of the Council of people's Commissars of the USSR on December 25, 1922 it was decided to reorganize the school of militia to “All-Ukrainian School” and secure it with state provision. Based on this decision during 1923, the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs made the necessary organizational measures and by order of militia and criminal investigation Department of the USSR on October 23, 1923, the school was renamed to “All-Ukrainian School for Militia and Criminal Investigation”. Thus, the institution received the national status and began to prepare senior officers to militia agencies all over Ukraine.

In 1925, the “All-Ukrainian School” was relocated from Kharkiv to Kyiv, where it got an area on Batieva Hora (Hill) (now the building of the secondary school № 60). Since 1936, the educational institution was renamed to “School for Senior Management Staff of Workers' and Peasants' Militia after V.A. Balytzky”. After a year, this educational institution was called "Kyiv School of Perfection for Management Staff of Workers' and Peasants' Militia". In this status the school had been working by 1941, before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

At the end of the war on 25th March, 1944, in accordance with the order of the NKVS of Ukraine, “All-Ukrainian NKVS School of the Ukrainian SSR” started its work in Kiev. Aftermath, it subsequently underwent a series of reorganizations and was several times renamed: “All-Ukrainian School of NKVS” (1944), “Kyiv School of NKVS” (1946), “Kyiv Officer School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs” (1948), “Kyiv School of MIA of the USSR” (1950).

On August 20, 1956 “Kiev Specialized High School of Militia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR” was organized by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, which started to train specialists for the core services of militia with a two years’ training period (at correspondence department three years). Being transferred to Lviv, the school was located in the premises of Fire-technical College, built in the postwar years by the architect O. A. Pleshkov.

In 1957, the Department of distance learning of Higher School of MIA of the USSR was created on its base, and in 1958 - the Kyiv Office of the High School of MIA of the USSR by the order of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the USSR from March 21, 1958. On April 11, 1960, the government adopted a decree on the establishment of the “Higher School of MIA of the USSR” by merging the branch of the “Higher school of MIA of the USSR” and the “Kyiv Special High School of Militia”.

In 1962 the name of the institution was changed; it was connected with the change in the name of the Ministry. The school was named to the “Higher School of the Ministry of Public Security of the USSR”.

In 1966, through changes in the structure of the Ministry, the school was subordinated directly to the Ukrainian Ministry, and it was called the “Kiev Higher School of MPS of the USSR”. Since 1968, the institution was known as the “Kiev Higher School of MIA of the USSR”.

Considering the increasing role of the KHS of MIA of the USSR in training of the personnel for interior agencies on September 8, 1977, the school was named after F.A. Dzerzhynsky by the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

After the proclaiming of Ukrainian independence in 1991, the educational institution was called the “Kyiv Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine”; and in 1992, the “Ukrainian Academy of Internal Affairs” was founded on its basis.

In December 1996, according to the decree of the President of Ukraine, it received the National status; and it was called the “National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine”.

After having joined in the Bologna process in May 2005, Ukraine had to reorganize the system of higher educational institutions, including departmental ones. In this regard, on September 8, 2005 the Academy was reorganized in the University and received the name of “Kyiv National University of Internal Affairs” in accordance with the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. The national status the University was confirmed on September 15, 2005, by the decree of the President of Ukraine "About preservation of the national status of some higher educational institutions".

On August 27, 2010 KNUIA was reorganized in the “National Academy of Internal Affairs” by order № 1709-p of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On the Reorganization of Some Higher Educational Establishments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs". On August 31, 2010, this higher educational establishment maintained the national status by decree № 887/2010 of the President of Ukraine "On the National Academy of Internal Affairs".



11.06.1921 “Chervony Militiamen Courses” at Kharkiv militia
12.05.1922 First Military District Courses for Junior Officers of Main Directorate of Militia of the UkrSSR
02.10.1922  School for Senior Officers of Workers’ and Peasants’ Militia of UkrSSR
23.10.1923 All-Ukrainian School of Militia and Criminal Investigation
09.1925  All-Ukrainian School for Senior Management Staff of Militia and Criminal Investigation (relocated to Kyiv on 1.10.1925)
1925  All-Ukrainian School of Militia and Criminal Investigation
04.01.1928  All-Ukrainian School for Senior Management Staff of Workers’ and Peasants’ Militia and Courses for Penitentiary Establishments Staff
1931 School for Management Staff of Workers’ and Peasants’ Militia after V.A. Balyzky
1936 School for Senior Management Staff of Workers’ and Peasants’ Militia after V.A. Balytzky
10.08.1937 Kyiv School of Perfection for Management Staff of Workers’ and Peasants’ Militia
1939  Kyiv Courses of Administration of Corrective Labour Camps and Colonies of NKVS
25.03.1944  All-Ukrainian School for NKVS of the UkrSSR
1946 Kyiv School of People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs of UkrSSR
1948  Kyiv Officers’ School of MIA of the UkrSSR
1949  Kyiv School of MIA of the UkrSSR
20.08.1956  Kyiv Specialized High School of Militia of MIA of the UKrSSR
21.03.1958  Kyiv Office of the High School of MIA of the UkrSSR
11.04.1960  High School of MIA of the UkrSSR
1962 High School of Ministry of Public Security of the UkrSSR
1966 High School of MPS of the UkrSSR
1968 Kyiv High School of MIA of the UkrS
8.09.1977 Kyiv High School of MIA of the UkrSSR named after F.E. Dzerzhynsky
27.01.1992  Ukrainian Academy of Internal Affairs
20.12.1996  National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
8.09.2005 Kyiv National University of Internal Affairs
27.08.2010  National Academy of Internal

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N E W S      A R C H I V E
March 2025
1. 06.03.2025 Representatives of the Academy took part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference BSMU-2025 «Medical Simulation – A Look into the Future» On February 20, representatives of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Dmytro Antonkov and Rostyslav Zatsepilin, took part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference BSMU-2025 "Medical Simulation – A Look into the Future".